
Saturday, September 8, 2018

James and Aaron

The Midwest Boylans descended from James and Aaron were originally Northern Irish Protestant - in contrast to the many Boylans who left the Republic of Ireland and are either still Catholic or converted at some later time. (Note by the Webmaster - This is only history, not a theological debate).

Much of this Boylan story is not verified but has been passed down through various branches of our extended family. As we have it two brothers whom we signify as James I b;1710? and Aaron I b; 1716? ran away from being made wards of an older brother Roger at the death of their father (unidentified) from Northern Ireland near Coleraine, in approx 1730.

They either endentured themselves for passage to the States (colonies) or stowed away and when found were indentured... As the story has it the relative or someone remaining in Ireland evidently payed off the debt as they became freeholders (land) shortly after settling in or near Somerset,Co. NJ.(Note by the Webmaster there is a town in New Jersey called Freehold).

Every son of James and Aaron who had sons for the first 3 or 4 generations named them James, Aaron, John and Samuel, causing no little confusion. Who can solve the mystery of Sam and Aaron?

Find out more about James descendants

Find out more about Aarons descendants

Boylan, Aaron I

Aaron I married Catherine Parkinson and reportedly had 4 sons James b;1743, John b: 1746,,Aaron*** ,,Samuel,, we have a possible Daughter Ann.... James was a surgeon and some of his surgical instruments are on display in the Rev. War. Museum in Morristown,NJ... Some confusion here about Samuel and Aaron - see James I...
John was a Merchant, he supposedly served in the Rev. War as a Supply Officer, he and his wife supposedly entertained George and Martha Washington in their home which is a nat. landmark in Pluckeman , NJ..
The descendants*** of Aaron II hold an annual reunion in Cambridge Springs PA.
*** The mystery of Samuel and Aaron:
    Samuel and Aaron II were brothers. We know that from a letter that Samuel wrote. It also tells us that Aaron II served in the revolutionary war. There is no evidence of there being more than one Samuel and more than one Aaron in the second generation. Yet both James 1 and Aaron 1 are thought to have had sons called Samuel and Aaron. Why? - > Alonzo Boylan was sure that his grandfather Samuel b 1766 was the son of James I, while Aaron IIs descendants claimed that grandfather Aaron II b 1748 (Samuels brother?!) was the son of Aaron I.
    Sam and Aaron II lived in New Jersey with their father. After the death of his father (unidentified) Aaron II  pioneered in western PA with his wife Sarah McDade and younger bro. Samuel, settling in what is now Crawford/Mercer Co's. Aaron II b 1748 founded the Pennsylvania clan. Later Samuel returned to NJ married and homesteaded in Livingston Co. NY at what was orig. Boylan's Corner, NY and is now Caneseraga, NY...
Modern day PA Boylans are Dr John Boylan at Eidenburgh College, Eidenburgh PA and his brother Ralph Boylan of Owego NY.
Welcome to the Webportal PA Boylans!

Daughter of the American Revolution Hildegarde Hitchcock

MISS HILDEGARDE W HITCHCOCK 43442 Born in Erie Pennsylvania Descendant of Aaron Boylan Daughter of Daniel Webster Hitchcock and Adaline Hayden Boylan his wife Granddaughter of Andrew Boylan b 1793 and Eleanor McGona gee his wife Gr granddaughter of Aaron Boylan and Sarah McDade b 1755 his wife m 1772 Aaron Boylan 1749 1824 served as a private under Capt Daniel Piatt and took part in the battles of Princeton Brandy wine and Monmouth In 1837 his widow received a pension in Venango Co Penna for nine months actual service of her husband in the New Jersey line