HE early settlers who came into what is now Mercer County, were largely
Irish, and mainly members of the Presbyterian Church. They were intell
igent, courageous, industrious people, who were desirous of establishing homes
for themselves in the new country just opened up to be occupied by the white
race. They came, the majority of them, from the counties of Westmoreland,
Washington, Fayette and Allegheny, where they had located after wearisome
journeys from the East across the Allegheny Mountains. Some, it is true,
came direct from Ireland and the eastern counties of the State, but the line of
travel brought them by way of the forks of the Ohio. As a rule these pio
neers reared large families, and were noted for their longevity. Their modes
of living were simple, the habits such as conduce to health and happiness,
and, what was favorable, no eager desire to become suddenly wealthy per
plexed them. Neighbors lived on terms of genuine friendship and equality,
and strove to promote one another's interests. The log rolling, the butter
boiling, the corn husking, the cabin raising, the stated meetings, the annual
elections, were periods of real enjoyment, which tended to cement the ties of
friendship and bind communities more closely together. Common hardships
and common wants established a community of feeling and interest. Castes
in society did not exist. All occupied the same level, and enjoyed the same
rights and privileges. The happiness of those pioneer days would outweigh
that enjoyed often in these fashionable times.
It must be remembered that Mercer County was separated, theoretically,
from Allegheny County March 12, 1800, but it was not organized until 1803.
During the three years intervening it was joined, for judicial purposes, to
Crawford County, with the seat of justice at Meadville. It should also be re
membered, too, that the names of townships were those which existed under
the Crawford County organization. The townships then were large and sparsely
populated, and they were subdivided again and again.
The lists of taxables by townships, for the years 1800, 1801 and 1802, were
compiled by Mr. Garvin. Most of these pioneers with their families are
spoken of in succeeding chapters. Here the names are given alphabetically as
a matter of reference, and many of our readers will doubtless recognize in
these lists the names of their ancestors and other relatives and friends.
Neshannock Township for 1800: John Alexander, Benjamin Alexander,
William Alexander, Joseph Alexander, James Armstrong, John Arbuckel,
Thomas Arnold, Samuel Anderson, William Anderson, Robert Anderson, Dan
iel Axtell, Lincoln Axtell, James Bean, Sr., Hugh Bean, Thomas Bean, Sr.,
William Bean, Robert Bean, Sr., Andrew Bean, David Bean, Alexander Bean,
Sr., James Bean, Jr., Robert Bean, Jr., Robert Bole, Thomas Bole, Solomon
Brown, Thomas Brown, John Brown (son of Solomon), Hugh Brown, John
Brown, Samuel Brown, Joseph Brown, John Bowman, Robert Bowman, Rob
ert Bowman, Jr., James Boylan, Andrew Booth, David Beatty, Benjamin Bentley, David Bentley, William Byers, Ross Byers, James Brush, Joseph
Brush, Samuel Brush, Benjamin Bennet, Sr., Benjamin Bennet, Jr., William
Budd, James Black, Cyrus Beckwith, Henry Beckwith, Joseph Bartley, Jona
than Byers, George Bradley, James Braden, Jacob Campbell, Sr., Jacob Camp
bell, Jr., Miles Cherry, Thomas Cherry, Joseph Connell, Gabriel Calvin, Luther
Calvin, John Calvin, Sr., John Calvin, Jr.. Andrew Chestnut, Henry Clark,
John Caughey, David Chase, James Chase, Jonathan Culbert, Jacob Caldwell,
William Caldwell, William Custard, Richard Custard, John Custard, John
Christy (magistrate, the only one in the county, commissioned for Westmore
land), Andrew Christy, Joseph Caldwell, Joseph Caldwell, Jr., John Caldwell,
Abraham Clark, Isaac Clark, Andrew Clark, Nathaniel Cozad, John Craig,
John Craig, Jr., Thomas Clag, Thomas Coulson, Jabez Coulson, Thomas
Doyle, Francis Drain, John M. Dunlap, Phineas Dunham, Hugh Donaldson,
Silas Dodd. Itufus Dodd, James Dowlen, Jonathan Davis, James Dumars,
Thomas Dumars, Timothy Dumars, Andrew Dawson, William Egleson, John
Elue, William Fell, George Fell, Nathan Fell, John Ferguson, Michael Frey,
George Frey, Thomas Felton, John Garvin, David Garvin, John Gilleland,
Thomas Graham, William Graham, B. Gibson, John Galliford, William Galli.
ford, Jr., John Gravat, William Gravat, Charles Gibson, Samuel Gibson,
George Gibson, Thomas Gillis, John Gillis, John Grace, David Horten,
Matthew Hollenbeck, Henry Hollenbeck, George Hackney, Aaron Hackney,
John Hackney. Joseph Hackney, Jacob Hundle, John Hull, Daniel Hull,
Sherry Hull, Elijah Hull, Henry Hitchcock, Gotlieb Hubley, George Hilder
brand, Richard Hill, Henry Hoagland, Henry Hoover, George Hervey, Daniel
Hooper, Samuel Hawthorn, James Hawthorn, Francis Hughey, Samuel John
ston, Zachariah Johnston, John Johnson, David Jones, James Jeffers, William
Jeffers, Thomas Jolly, William Kennan, Joseph Keck, Daniel Klingensmith,
Jr., John Klingensmith (constable), Peter Klingensmith, Samuel Kile, John
Kindle, Samuel Kelly, John Kelly, James King, Thomas Loughead, William
Lindsey, John Larimer, Charles Lucas, Peter Loutzenhiser, Jacob Loutzen
hiser, James Lynch, John Langley, Noah Luce, James Morford, Thomas Mor
ford, Joseph Morford (distiller), Joseph McClung, John Moore, Samuel
Mahan. Thomas McGill, Thomas McLane, John Morrison, Andrew Mitchell,
Jonas Montgomery, John Montgomery, John McElvey, James McElvey,
Francis Mossman, John Mossman, William H. Mossman, Duncan Matthews,
Richard Melvin, Robert McCord, William McClurg, Jacob Myers, William
McLough, Sr., William McLough, Jr., William McClay, John McDonald,
John McMillan, Robert McAlley (grist-mill), George McFetridge, Edward
Mattocks, Alexander McCracken, William McClintock, Alexander McClintock,
David McLane, Robert McClure, Andrew McClure, John McElheny, William
McMillan, Thomas McMillan, John McNulty, Caleb McNulty, Charles Mc.
Bride, George Myers, James Mustard, John Mustard, Joseph McDonald,
Theophilus McDonald, John Moreland, William Moreland, Isaac Moreland,
Robert McKean, James McBride, John Montgomery, William Mahan, William
Mahan, Jr., James McCullough, Henry McLaughlin, John McLaughlin, Jack
McLaughlin, John Mortimer, William Mortimer, Christopher North, Joseph
Nelson, James Nelson, John O'Neal, William Osborne, James Patterson, John
Patterson, Andrew Patterson, James Porter, William Porter (grist-miller),
William Pangburn, William Pinney, Thomas Phillips, David Porter, John
Porter. James Rice, Sr., James Rice, Jr., Clement Rice, John Rice, Patrick
Rice, Thomas Rice, Robert Roberts, Thomas Roberts, Robert Roberts, Jr.,
Edward Rossman, James Rinn, Vincent Robbins, John Richardson, Charles
Reno, Hugh Richardson, Joseph Riley, James Robb, Benjamin Stokely,
(district surveyor), James Simpson, John Surver, William Stuart, James Steven
son, John Sherbondy, James Stinson, Tobias Shank (taxed for house and lot),
Andrew Shaw, Philip Sherbondy, Abraham Smith, David Semple, Benjamin
Stinet, Richard Tunison, Zebulon Tunison, Thomas Thompson, Alexander
Turner, Isaiah Winters, Peter Wilson (grist-mill), George Williamson, Sam
uel Williamson, John Watson, James Walker, Wilson Wilson, Christian Wild,
Robert Walker, John Walker (surveyor), John Woods, Thomas Woods, Will
iam Woods, Solomon Williams, John Williamson (saw-mill), James Young,
Peter Yeatman, Matthias Zahniser, Sr., Matthias Zahniser, Jr., Michael Zah
niser, John Zahniser.
Neshannock for 1801: George Anderson, James Anderson, John Anderson,
William Anderson, George Allison, George Allen, Isaac Aherite, John Angel,
Daniel Ault, Samuel Byers, Thomas Black, Robert Bowman (tanner), John
Bowman, John Burgess, William Bell, Sr., William Bell, Jr., Thomas Bell, Wal
entine Boyd, Joshua Bentley, John Book, Michael Book, George Book, Robert
Blair, John Blair, James Buchanan, Thomas Crawford, David Crawford,
Thomas Carmichael, James Carmichael, Jacob Cox, William Clingan, Joseph
Clingan, Thomas Canon, Robert Campbell, James Campbell, William Cot
ton, Joseph Cracroft, James Chambers, Septimus Cadwallader, Daniel Carey,
William Delaney, Jacob Dawson, Michael Doran, Darby Doran, Isaac Davis,
George Davis, Daniel Davis, James Duke, William Elliott, Sr., William Elliott,
Joseph Eberhart, Thomas Franklin, Thomas Fisher, Michael Fetters, Samuel
Fetters, George Foreman, David Gaudy, Peter Gaudy, Daniel Hendrickson,
James Hogg, Isaac Hall, James Huston, Hugh Huston, George Hughes, James
Hezlip, Henry Houts, Dickson Huston, William Huston. John Holmes, William
Hodge, William Hunter, William Huey, Robert Irwin. William Irwin. Jared
Irwin, John Johnston, John Jones, William Jewel, Matthew Kerr, William
Likens, John Logan, James Logan, John Long, Thomas Laughlin, Jonathan
Leslie, Francis McGarvy, Joseph McKean, Hugh McKean, William Munnel,
(blacksmith), Matthew Murdock, John Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell, William
McComb, George McWilliams, James McWilliams, William Mears, William
McFarland, William McFarland Jr., Francis McFarland, John McFarland, Rob
ert McFarland, Jacob Middleswort, Alexander McBurney, James McGeehan,
Wallace McCloskey, John McCloskey, William McConnell, Dinas McConnell,
David McMichael, Samuel McBride, Nathaniel McBride, Robert McBride, Alex
ander McCoy, John Moorhead, John Mills, William Morrison, Charles McCully,
Thomas Mathers, Hugh Means (grist-mill), John McCrumb, Samuel Moak,
John Maybury, John Monteith, David Meneary, Manus McLaughlin, John
Neal, John Neal, Jr., James Neal, John Oliver, John Parks (mulatto slave),
James l’arks, William Parks, Thomas Pettel, James Pattent, William Porter,
Nathaniel Porter, John Porter, (blacksmith), William Porter, James Quigly,
Sr., James Quigly, Jr., George Robertson, Sr., George Robertson, Jr., Samuel
Robertson, Henry Robertson, William Rheney, Thomas Reed, Andrew Reed,
Peter Rinehart, John Sheets, James Smith, John Small, Ezekiel Sankey, John
C. Stewart (negro slave), John Steel, William Simonton, Abraham Scott, Joseph
Scott, Alexander Scott, Thomas Scott, Josiah Scott, Robert Steen, William
Simons, John Thompson, Alexander Thompson, Patrick Thompson, Henry
Thompson, Ephraim Thompson, Robert Thompson, John Towland, John Unstat,
William Underwood, William Vanmetre, Richard Wanfleet, Simon Wanosdal,
Nicholas Vanemon, John Watson, John Whiting, Henry Whiting, Adam
Whiting, Jesse Welch, William Welch, Thomas Watt, Hugh Woods, George
Walker, James Waugh, Sr., James Waugh, Jr., John Waugh, Nicholas
Walker, Robert Walker, James Walker, Alexander Wright, Robert Wier,
Samuel Wier.
Neshamnock for 1802: Isaac Arkwright, James Black, Robert Black (black
Smith), Isaac Brisson, Samuel Blackstone, Samuel Boyers, James Clingan,
Jame Clingan, Jr., William Clingan, James Dick, Samuel Fipps, Hugh Har
son, James Hoge, Thomas Jenny, Thomas Michel, John Michel, John Mc
Clunie, Samuel Moak, James Satterfield, Robert Stephens, John Shultz, John
Whitstone, John Whittin, Adam Whittin, Henry Whittin.
The following pioneers of Mercer County appear as taxables of Irwin
Township in 1800: Elias Axtell, Thomas Axtell, Tuttle Axtell, Nathan Ax
tell. Moses Austin, Robert Beatty, John Brown. Robert Budge, Robert Brisby,
Moses Bunnel, John Boylan, Thomas Boylan, Caleb Ball, Thomas Branden,
James Bowman, Nathaniel Coleman, Joshua Coleman, Samuel Coleman, N.
Cooper, Cary Cooper, William W. Carroll, William Carroll. Jonathan
Cochran, Duncan Carmichael, John Carmichael, Timothy Conoway (mulatto),
Thomas Crossen. Thomas Crossen, Jr., Daniel Croin, John Chapman, Joseph
Caldwell, Francis Cochran, Thomas Carter, William Cousins, Matthias Clark,
James Clark, John Clark, Daniel Clark, Abraham Clark, William Creen,
Adam Carnahan, David Condit, Ira Condit, John Duncan, William Davison,
James Davison. William Donough, Arthur Dickey, William Dowlan, William
Doty. Samuel Doty, Isthiel Dodd, James Davitt, Robert Fowler, Thomas
Gibson, John Gibson, John Gordon, Samuel Gildersleeve, Samuel Graham,
Charles Giebner, Brice Gilmore, Jeremiah Hendry, George Hendry. William
Henderson. John Henderson, Robert Henderson, Sr., Charles Henderson,
Robert Henderson, Jr., William Houson, Isaac Holloway, Thomas Jordan,
Robert Johnston, Hugh Johnston, Alexander Johnston, John Johnston, Will
iam Johnston, William Kill, Daniel Kemp, James Kilgore, David Kilgore,
Samuel IXilgore, John Long, Robert Latta, Samuel Lindsey, Abraham Lud
wick, Abraham Leeb, Curtis Marmaduke (hatter), John Martin, Sr., James
Martin, Jr., Robert McGosgen, John McClelland, Robert Morgan (negro),
John McClure, Thomas McClure, James McClure, John Mulhall. James Mc
Bride, Sr., James McBride, Jr., Robert McBride, James Marshall, William
McCormick, Thomas McCormick, David McConahy, Jr., James McNulty, John
McElvey, William McClimans, Moses McElwain, Robert McClelland, Will
iam Perrine, James Porter, Samuel Polley, Jacob Rowen, Ebenezer Roberts,
William Riddle, John Rodgers, Jacob Reed, William Reed. Thomas Robb,
Edward Ross, Jacob Ross, Stephen Riggs, James Stephen, John Stephenson,
Andrew Smith, George Sutley, John Sheverman, William Vaughn, Andrew
Woodruff, James Waddle, Samuel Waldron, Daniel Waldron, John Waldron,
Sr., John Waldron, Jr., John Westlake, enry Westlake, John Wolverton,
David Wolverton, John Wentworth.
Sandy Lake Township taxables for 1801: Samuel Anderson, William
Anderson, Joseph Alexander (mulatto slave), Joseph Alexander, Jr., William
Alexander, Benjamin Alexander, John Alexander, Elias Axtell, Isaac Axtell,
Thomas Axtell, Nathan Axtell, Daniel Axtell, Lincoln Axtell, John Arbuckle,
James Armstrong, Robert Bowman, John Bowman, Joseph Barkley, Cyrus Beck
with, Henry Beckwith, George Bradley, Aaron Boylan, Ross Byers, William
Byers, Caleb Ball, Robert Brisband, John Brooks, Benjamin Blyth, Benjamin
Bennet, Matthias Clark, Isaac Clark, Abraham Clark, Abraham Clark, Jr.,
John Clark, Jabez Coulson, Thomas Coulson, Frederick Coffman, John Craig,
John Craig, Jr., Samuel Coleman, Nathaniel Coleman, Joshua Coleman, Robert
Caldwell, David Caldwell, John Caldwell, Alexander Caldwell, Joseph Caldwell,
David Chess, James Chess, William Carroll, William Carroll, Jr., Duncan
Carmichael, John Carmichael, Thomas Crossan, John Custard, Richard
Custard, David Condit, Ira Condit, Francis Cochran, James Dixon, Ralph
Dawson, John Duncan, Robert Davis, James Davitt, Rufus Dodd, Ithiel Dodd,
John Dunham, Francis Drain, William Egbert, William Egleson, Peter Finall,
Robert Fowler, Adam Forker, James Fulton, John Garvin, David Garvin,
Thomas Graham, William Graham, John Grace, Charles Giebner, William
Geddes, John Gibson, George Gibson, Samuel Gibson, Charles Gibson, Samuel
Gildersleeve, Matthias Hollenbeck. George Hackney, Joseph Hackney, Jehu
Hackney, Aaron Hackney, Daniel Harper, Samuel Hawthorn, James Hawson,
Hugh Hawson, Francis Huey, William Henderson, John Henderson, Robert
Henderson, Robert Henderson, Jr., George Haivy, Jeremiah Haivy, Isaac
Holloway, John Holloway, Adam Hill, George Hilderbrand, Samuel Johnston,
Zachariah Johnston. James Johnston, John Johnston, David Jones, James
Jeffers, William Jeffers, John Kelly, Samuel Kelly, William Kile, Patrick
Kilgore, David Kilgore, Samuel Kilgore, James Kilgore, John Larimer,
Abraham Ludwick, James Lynch, John Littleford, Charles Lucas, Rev.
William McClintock, Thomas McLean, David McLean. James Mustard, John
Mustard, John Mitchell, William McCullough, William McCullough, Jr., Joseph
McDonald, Theophilus McDonald, John McDonald, Thomas McMillan, Thomas,
McMillan, Jr., William McMillan, John McMillan, John McElheny, John
McNulty, Caleb McNulty, James McNulty, John Morrison, John Mateer,
Alexander McCracken, Robert McCartney, Hugh McCutcheon, James McBride,
James McBride, Jr., Robert McBride, Charles McBride, John Monhall, William
McCormick, James McCormick, Thomas Mullen, John McClelland, Robert
McClelland, Robert McGugan, Robert Morgan, Edward Mattocks, John
McElvey, John Montgomery, James Montgomery, William Montgomery, Patrick
McCloskey, James McCloskey, Robert McClure, Andrew McClure, George
Myers, Joseph . Nelson, Alexander Noble, William Osborn, John Penny,
William Penny, William Pangburn, William Pangburn, Jr., James Parker,
William Parker, (grist miller), Daniel Perrine, William Perrine, Alexander
Porter, James Porter, John Pew, John Patterson, Daniel Perkins, Jacob Reed,
Hugh Richardson, Patrick Rice, James Rice, James Rice, Jr., Clement Rice,
John Rice, Thomas Rice, Edward Ross, Jacob Ross, Israel Ross, Thomas
Robb, Robert Robb, James Robb, James Robb, Jr., Jacob Robb, James
Rinn, Stephen Riggs, John Severs, James Simpson, James Stevenson, Joseph
Shepard, Benjamin Stokely, Benjamin Stymitts, Alexander Turner, William
Vaughn, Peter Wilson, (grist miller), William Wilson, Samuel Worden, Josiah
Winters, Samuel Waldron, Daniel Waldron, William Waddle, Morris West
lake, John Westlake, John Wolverton, Daniel Wolverton, Hugh Wright,
Matthias Zahniser, Matthias Zahniser, Jr., Michael Zahinser, Valentine
Taxables of Sandy Creek Township for 1802: Daniel Axtell, Nathan
Axtell, Lincoln Axtell, Amzy Axtell, John Arbuckle, William Byers, Ross
Byers, John Brooks, Aaron Boylan, John Custard, Richard Custard, David
Condit, Ira Condit, Alexander Caldwell, David Caldwell, David Chess, James
Chess, Adam Carnahan, John Clark, Matthias Clark, Ithiel Dodd, Rufus
Dodd, Ralph Dawson, John Doran, William Egleson, Peter Finall, Samuel
Gibson, Charles Gibson, John Gibson, John Giffen, Isaac Holloway, Joha
Holloway, James Hazen, Evans Harriott, Jeremiah Henry, George Henry,
Hugh Hasson, James Kilgore, David Kilgore, Samuel Kilgore, Patrick Kilgore,
John E. Larimer, Alexander McCracken, James Montgomery, John Mont
gomery, William Montgomery, Robert Morgan, Robert McClenand, John
McClenand, John Metier, Robert McCartney, Robert McGugan, Andrew
McGugan, Edward Mattocks, Joseph Nelson, Alexander Noble, Daniel
. Perkins, Thomas Phillips, John Patten, William Reed, Jacob Reed, Hugh
Richardson, James Rinn, Stephen Riggs, Amos Robbins, Robert Robb, James
Robb, Thomas Robb, Jacob Ross, Allen Ross, Aaron Ross, Edward Ross,
Edward Ross (carpenter), William-Wiley.
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