David Stokes
Male, #10887, b. October 23, 1707, d. September 12, 1794
Relationship | | David Stokes is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because David is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth | October 23, 1707 | David was born October 23, 1707 in Lunenburg County, Virginia .1 |
Marriage - no info | | He married Sarah Montfort, daughter of Robert Montfort Sr. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.2 |
Birth of Son | October 10, 1735 | His son William was born on October 10, 1735 in Lunenburg County, Virginia Colony .2 |
Birth of Daughter | October 11, 1737 | His daughter Sarah was born on October 11, 1737 in Lunenburg County, Virginia .1 |
Marriage of Daughter | 1749 | His daughter, Sarah Anne Stokes, married Robert Wade Jr in 1749 in Almond Grove, Halifax County, Virginia Colony .1,3 |
Death of Daughter | April, 1775 | His daughter, Sarah, died in April, 1775 in Lunenburg County, Virginia .1 |
Death | September 12, 1794 | David died September 12, 1794 in Lunenburg County, Virginia at age 86.1 |
- [S3304] Family Tree Maker File on Edward Wade, Charley Wade (file received from Georgia Hornbuckle) , received April 27, 2006, This source contained hardly any source citations.
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
- [S497] William Gilbert Scroggins, James Wade (1665-1740), this source can be viewed at, page 9.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Sarah Montfort
Female, #10888, b. February 3, 1715/16, d. April 9, 1800
Relationship | | Sarah Montfort is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Sarah is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching her.
Birth | February 3, 1715/16 | Sarah was born February 3, 1715/16 in Charles City County, Virginia Colony .1 |
Marriage - no info | | She married David Stokes. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.2 |
Birth of Son | October 10, 1735 | Her son William was born on October 10, 1735 in Lunenburg County, Virginia Colony .2 |
Birth of Daughter | October 11, 1737 | Her daughter Sarah was born on October 11, 1737 in Lunenburg County, Virginia .1 |
Marriage of Daughter | 1749 | Her daugher, Sarah Anne Stokes, married Robert Wade Jr in 1749 in Almond Grove, Halifax County, Virginia Colony .1,3 |
Death of Daughter | April, 1775 | Her daughter, Sarah, died in April, 1775 in Lunenburg County, Virginia .1 |
Death of Spouse | September 12, 1794 | She was widowed when her husband, David, died on September 12, 1794 in Lunenburg County, Virginia .1 |
Death | April 9, 1800 | Sarah died April 9, 1800 in Lunenburg County, Virginia at age 84.1 |
- [S3304] Family Tree Maker File on Edward Wade, Charley Wade (file received from Georgia Hornbuckle) , received April 27, 2006, This source contained hardly any source citations.
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
- [S497] William Gilbert Scroggins, James Wade (1665-1740), this source can be viewed at, page 9.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Robert Montfort Sr
Male, #10889, d. after May 1, 1767
Relationship | | Robert Montfort Sr is a parent or ancestor of a spouse of one of my relatives. Because Robert is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for Robert Montfort Sr. |
Birth of Daughter | February 3, 1715/16 | His daughter Sarah was born on February 3, 1715/16 in Charles City County, Virginia Colony .1 |
Death | after May 1, 1767 | Robert died after May 1, 1767 in an unknown place .2 |
- [S3304] Family Tree Maker File on Edward Wade, Charley Wade (file received from Georgia Hornbuckle) , received April 27, 2006, This source contained hardly any source citations.
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Sarah Stokes
Female, #10890, b. about 1759
Father | | William Stokes b. Oct 10, 1735, d. between Oct 16, 1794 and Mar 1, 1796 |
Mother | | Sarah Wade b. 1739, d. between Nov 28, 1812 and Mar 25, 1815 |
Nickname | | Sarah Stokes is also known as Sallie. |
Number Marriages | | She married four times.1 |
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
(given name not known) Grimes
Male, #10891
Relationship | | (given name not known) Grimes is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for (given name not known) Grimes. |
Marriage - no info | | He married Sarah Stokes, daughter of William Stokes and Sarah Wade. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of (given name not known)'s death. |
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
(given name not known) Grimes
Male, #10892
Relationship | | (given name not known) Grimes is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for (given name not known) Grimes. |
Marriage - no info | | He married Sarah Stokes, daughter of William Stokes and Sarah Wade. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of (given name not known)'s death. |
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
(given name not known) Brown
Male, #10893
Relationship | | (given name not known) Brown is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for (given name not known) Brown. |
Marriage - no info | | He married Sarah Stokes, daughter of William Stokes and Sarah Wade. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of (given name not known)'s death. |
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Elizabeth Stokes
Female, #10894, b. 1760
Father | | William Stokes b. Oct 10, 1735, d. between Oct 16, 1794 and Mar 1, 1796 |
Mother | | Sarah Wade b. 1739, d. between Nov 28, 1812 and Mar 25, 1815 |
Birth | 1760 | Elizabeth was born 1760 in an unknown place .1 |
Marriage | about 1778 | She married John Henry Pryor about 1778 in Georgia .1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Elizabeth's death. |
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
John Henry Pryor
Male, #10895
Relationship | | John Henry Pryor is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because John Henry is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for John Henry Pryor. |
Marriage | about 1778 | He married Elizabeth Stokes, daughter of William Stokes and Sarah Wade, about 1778 in Georgia .1 |
Death - no date | | John died on an unknown date in Athens, Clarke County, Georgia .1 |
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Peggy Stokes
Female, #10896
Father | | William Stokes b. Oct 10, 1735, d. between Oct 16, 1794 and Mar 1, 1796 |
Mother | | Sarah Wade b. 1739, d. between Nov 28, 1812 and Mar 25, 1815 |
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for Peggy Stokes. |
Marriage - no info | | She married William Strong. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Peggy's death. |
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
William Strong
Male, #10897
Relationship | | William Strong is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because William is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for William Strong. |
Marriage - no info | | He married Peggy Stokes, daughter of William Stokes and Sarah Wade. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of William's death. |
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
Jane Stokes
Female, #10898
Father | | William Stokes b. Oct 10, 1735, d. between Oct 16, 1794 and Mar 1, 1796 |
Mother | | Sarah Wade b. 1739, d. between Nov 28, 1812 and Mar 25, 1815 |
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for Jane Stokes. |
Marriage - no info | | She married (given name not known) Abecrumby. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of Jane's death. |
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
(given name not known) Abecrumby
Male, #10899
Relationship | | (given name not known) Abecrumby is a spouse of one of my relatives. Because (given name not known) is not a relative of mine I am not actively researching him.
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for (given name not known) Abecrumby. |
Marriage - no info | | He married Jane Stokes, daughter of William Stokes and Sarah Wade. I have no information on the date and place of the marriage.1 |
Death - no info | | I have no information on the date and place of (given name not known)'s death. |
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
William Munford Stokes
Male, #10900, d. about 1835
Father | | William Stokes b. Oct 10, 1735, d. between Oct 16, 1794 and Mar 1, 1796 |
Mother | | Sarah Wade b. 1739, d. between Nov 28, 1812 and Mar 25, 1815 |
Birth - no info | | I have no information on the date or place of birth for William Munford Stokes. |
Marriage | November 16, 1816 | He married Jane Bridgewater November 16, 1816 in Clarke County, Georgia .1 |
Death | about 1835 | William died about 1835 in an unknown place . |
- [S1976] Jean Doerfler, e-mail to Garril L Kueber November 9, 2000.
Do not accept the accuracy/validity of any of the information on these pages without verifying it yourself. Please study my sources carefully before relying on the information. If you notice any problems or errors in the information or the display on these pages, please e-mail me (see bottom of page).
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